Chambery – Between mountains and lakes

An exceptional sightAn sight

The City of the Count and Dukes of Savoy is ideally lo-cated, between the Jura and the Alps mountains.

The city is the gateway to several parks, notably those of Vanoise, Chartreuse and the Bauges.

A Park and Mountain’s House welcomes the three parks’ offices and houses national mountain concerning associa-tions. Exhititions are held.

Hotel de la Ville – Municipio Chambery

Chambéry also owns a 500 square meters Scientific, Tech-nological and Cultural Centre, called Eurêka.

Numerous walkings are possible in mountain or around lakes.

Leading mountain cityLeading city

A mountain tuition pole is held at the Savoy University and a Mountain National Institute has been created. It’s the only one in France!

A city with eventsA events

Chambéry is highlighted by various mountain events.

The International Festival of Mountain Professions takes place in Chambéry every two years, al-ternately with another country.

Other asset : the most fa-mous French skiing resorts are near Chambéry which is an obliga-tory passing gate for the mountain lovers.

Surrounded by lakesSurrounded lakes

Bourget, Saint André, Aigue-belette…

The water reaches 26°C!

The first 2 are easily reachable by cycling paths.

Swimming in summer or skiing in winter, that is the question!

___________Chambéry has numerous assets.

If you need more information about one of the city advantages, please contact the Tourist Office.

The First Novel Festival
The Comic Strip Festival
The International Festival of Folklore
The International Mountain Festival
The fountain of the elephants
The trompe l’oeil

A precious heritageA heritage

The Dukes of Savoy Castle

The Holy Shroud

The « Carillon »

The Charmettes museum of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The Fine Art Museum

The Savoisien Museum

A city with multiple facesA faces

Chambéry, bicycle golden award

Chambéry, golden award for the handi-capped people integration

Night Lighting award

The congress centres

The year program of events of Chambéry

The city gardens

In the mountain heartIn heart

The year events concerning the mountain

The Eurêka Gallery

Gastronomical specialitiesGastronomical specialities

The Chambéry specialities

The Savoy Wine road

The Opinel knife

Iaphet Elli

Iaphet Elli, blogger, ho partecipato come editor a ExpoMilano2015.
Collaboro con diversi uffici stampa di città Italiane ,Stati Europei e Mondiali.

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